
Jumat, 09 Oktober 2015

The Synopsis of Interstellar Movie

In the near future, Earth had been shattered by drought and famine, causing a scarcity in food and extreme changes in climate. When humanity was facing extinction, a mysterious place in the space-time continuum was discovered, giving mankind the opportunity to widen its lifespan. A group of explorers must travel beyond the solar system in search of a planet that can sustain life (an interstellar travel) and rescue the Lazarus crew who left and survived in a new discovered galaxy with the Endurance spaceship crew.
            Joe Cooper, who’s the pilot, was a farmer that lived with his father in law and his children – Tom (15 years) and Murph (10 years) in the middle of his wide cornfield. Their life was very unpretentious with the simple house too. There were strange occurrences that always happened in Murph’s room. The books which on the bookshelves were always falling down in a certain moments and the dust in her room that was taken by the wind didn’t cover the floor perfectly. She thought it was a ghost whereas it was actually a binary code; such coordinates for a place that Cooper felt the need to find and used the map. Then Cooper went to a place which turned out NASA’s office and met Dr. Brand and his daughter – Dr. Amelia Brand. Their meeting became a beginning of Cooper’s involvement to join with the space mission. Dr. Brand asked Cooper to be the pilot for this mission. Leaving soon to go through a wormhole of unknown origin near Saturn that will take them to three potentially habitable planets, all of them orbiting a supermassive black hole name Gangantua.
            Cooper's decision to join in the mission was resisted by Murph. She tried to convince his father to not to leave her and she told her father about the word “STAY” as what she got from her research on the books fell from the bookshelves which formed a Morse code but cooper still in his decision. He went to try to save mankind.
            Afterwards, Cooper went to travel in space together with Brand, Romilly and Dr. Doyle. Firstly, they went to Miller’s planet intending to stop there only briefly as its close proximity to Gargantua causes severe gravitational time dilation; each hour spent on the surface will cost seven Earth years. All they found was shallow water and wreckages of Miller’s spaceship, who apparently died and arrived just an hour or two earlier. Then they went out from the planet because there was huge waves that hit their spaceship, Dr. Doyle died because he were swept by the waves.
            During the journey, they keep communicating with the people in the Earth through the video recorder that contained in the spaceship but they had much of time difference so that the people in the Earth are growing faster than them.
            Then, they went to Mann’s planet after debating whether choosing Mann’s planet or Edmond’s planet because of limited fuel supplies. At Mann’s planet, they woke Dr. Mann up from a long hibernation and began to do the research together. But in fact, Dr. Mann left Cooper and stole their spaceship and then tried to return to the Earth. Cooper had been rescued by Brand. Dr. Mann’s living quarters on the planet had exploded and Romilly killed. TARS came out of the rubble to be rescued By Cooper and Brand then they left the planet.
            Because Dr. Mann did not listen to Brand’s instructions, the spaceship that he stole eventually burned so that they cannot return to the Earth. The next destination of Cooper and Brand was Edmond’s planet to survive of going back to the Earth because their life-support had destroyed. Cooper separated from Brand in his ranger without her previous knowledge. Meanwhile, after the separation, Brand continued her way to Edmond planet. Brand was outraged with cooper and now left alone with CASE.
            Cooper entered into a black hole, and then he found himself in a five-dimensional space in which he could see Murph’s room behind her bookshelves. He tried to scream to Murph but she could not hear his voice. Then, he saw himself begged to Murph to be allowed to go with NASA as it appeared at the beginning of the movie. He tried to push and drop the books to restrain him in order not to go but no one realized it.
            TARS told Cooper that some fifth dimensional being sent him there to communicate with Murph and that his love for his daughter sent him there to help her. Cooper realizes that the mission was not a mistake and that he will get done what he needs to. Murph had been the chosen one to save humanity but cooper was the one chosen to help engineer it. He sent the data from the black hole through TARS via morse code to a wristwatch he gave to Murph before he left which was actually the gravity equation. Then after realizing who ‘the ghost’ was, she put the watch back on the shelf making it possible for cooper to add the black hole equation to it. She picked up the old wristwatch out of a box of her cold keepsakes seeing second hand with the morse code realizing it’s the key. She came back to the NASA’s bunker, completing the equation with the wristwatch, wrote it all down, and threw the papers off the deck of the centrifuge under construction that the equation was solved.

Friday, 09 October 2015
4:11 p.m.

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